So you want to understand my why for Monat. Why am I pushing myself, why am I challenging myself to do this? If you want to really understand I’m going to need to take you back one year. I had been working in various retail sales and retail management jobs for 25 years. Sales is not new to me and I will tell all of you that I have so much passion and so much integrity— I’m so honest. I don’t sell things that I can’t get behind. I don’t sell things I don’t believe in or that I wouldn’t personally use myself. In 2017, I was offered what would become the best job I’ve ever had in my life. I was working for a brand that I loved, I opened a store for them in Boston, and I built my own team. I went on to work for this company for almost five years. However after we returned from Covid lockdown everything changed. The integrity of the brand changed, they lost their identity. But most importantly, the people changed. There were people who had been my colleagues/ friends that I didn’t even recognize anymore. It really started to take a toll on me. It started to compromise my confidence. My passion and my fire for the job was pretty much gone. The last straw was losing a boss I respected enormously, having friends turn their backs on me, and being bullied by someone who was a colleague. Someone who I had helped and supported betrayed me in probably the worst way possible. Sad part is that he’s still doing it to others. I accepted a new job at a company that I was really excited to go to— I never ended up going, it was a mutual decision, and ultimately I think it was for the best. Long story short, I had five different jobs last year. I started a new job at the beginning of this year. It’s alright, it pays the bills, but it’s not my passion. I am hanging in there with it because it’s the best I can do for now. And I have some obligations, personal obligations and those— I need to keep. The common thread with all the various places I’ve been is the presence and abundance of lies! People, companies, and recruiters being dishonest about the job, the environment, the people, unclear expectations, the staffing, payroll hours, everything. It’s been so so hard to find an employer that truly appreciates what I have to offer. I don’t believe I found Monat by accident but I think it happened during a time for me when I really needed it. It brought some new people into my life who have impacted me in a great way. It renewed my faith, my path, my journey. It gave me hope and helped me to believe again. It helped me to see that there is better for me out there if I go out and get it. I know it won’t be easy, I know and recognize I will have to put in a lot of work. Listen friends, we’re living in super challenging times. I bet the last thing you’re thinking of doing is buying some expensive shampoo from a washed up retail manager. I get it. You have other expenses. But here’s the thing, at the end of the day, everyone needs to wash their hair. Why not do it with something that is good for your hair, makes you feel better, and lasts a heck of a lot longer than anything you could buy at the drugstore or super store or salon? If you have a legit reason I’ll listen to your objections and then I’ll share my responses to to your objections. Monat has given me confidence. It changed my hair from the first few days I used it. It’s the single best investment I made on myself that directly impacts me every day. I have so much more to share and I absolutely want to be an open book and answer all your questions. This brand is about so much more than just haircare systems, it’s about life, community, attitude, and giving you the confidence to give each day everything you have. That’s my why, that’s my Monat story.
Please reach out with any questions you may have. I will be happy to share photos and testimonials.
Also here is the link to my personal shopping page. http://12919226.mymonat.com/
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