Monday, October 13, 2014

The Voice Season 7: Let the Battles Begin

Team Pharrell's Elyjuh Rene versus Maiya Sykes singing If I Ain't Got You by Alicia Keys-- I must say that I loved both of these contestants and I was upset that they ended up competing against each other because to me, they should both go through to the next round. Elyjuh is more what Adam called ethereal, and it's so true. He showed so much emotion in that performance and really went for it. He took risks and it paid off.
My opinion: Pharrell picks Elyjuh, Maiya gets stolen

Team Adam's Chris Jamison versus Jonathan Wyndham singing Young Girls by Bruno Mars-- Blake said either one of you is the winner of this battle. Pharrell felt Jonathan is sure of who he is and thought that Chris was killing it and would lean towards him. Gwen felt they worked together well and liked Chris's stage presence. Adam feels like Chris is more of a superstar and went with him. I agree there is something really impressive about Chris.
My opinion: Chris
Winner: Chris

Team Gwen's Jean Kelly versus Sugar Jones singing Survivor by Destiny's Child-- I think Jean won this battle for me because her voice was strong. Sugar got a little too low and growly for me, and I didn't like that. Adam is trying to steal Jean, and said he loves that break in her voice, and blah, blah, blah, "you're on my team". Pharrell said, "you're awesome, I wanna see you in this til the end".
My opinion: Jean
Winner: Sugar, Adam and Pharrell stole Jean and she chose Pharrell

Team Blake's Craig Wayne Boyd versus James David Carter singing Wave on Wave by Pat Green-- Wow, both of these guys were amazing. I loved them both, I honestly wish both go through to the next round. Pharrell called it a draw and knows where each of them would go in their career. Gwen and Adam both said that they couldn't decide who they would choose. Blake said your voice projects with such ease and James your runs are from another planet.
My opinion: Both please, Craig and James
Winner: James. Yay! Right as Craig was about to walk out, Gwen stole him. OMG! So happy.

Team Gwen's Amanda Lee Peers versus Taylor John Williams singing Jolene by Dolly Parton-- Adam said Amanda made him believe it but he is a huge fan of Taylor and nearly cried when he didn't pick him to be on his team. Blake said he would pick Amanda cause of the feeling behind it. Pharrell said Taylor knows what it takes. I agree that in terms of performing, Amanda had Taylor. The passion behind her voice and the words was so evident. Taylor is a talent and a star though so who wins?
My opinion: Amanda for one reason, but Taylor for another
Winner: Taylor

Team Pharrell's Griffin versus Luke Wade singing Maybe I'm Amazed by Paul McCartney-- Those two guys fought it out til the end. I liked how they flipped it slightly but it didn't take away from the melody at all. For me, Luke won this battle. Agree with Adam, Luke has it in this competition, the voice, rasp, everything. Blake said it's one of the best battles that they've ever had on the show, and he picked Griffin to win.
My opinion: Luke wins this, and if he doesn't someone is stealing him
Winner: Luke, Blake and Gwen tried to steal Griffin and he chose Blake (Blake to Adam: You're mean, Blake to Gwen: You shouldn't have done that, Blake to Pharrell: You screwed up.)

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