Score: 5
02 Elise Testone sang I Wanna Know What Love is by Foreigner-- Steven didn't think it was the right song for her. It seemed as though Jennifer didn't want to be negative so she said she could see her passion in the performance. Randy said that is one of the best songs ever and you never quite hit the pitch so it was off for the whole performance. It was out of tune everywhere for me. I agree with Randy, listening to it back, there was something off about it, like her voice didn't sit in the right place. This is really sad because Elise has proven in the best couple weeks that she really deserves to be here, hopefully this won't lead to her demise on the show.
Score: 3.9
Colton Dixon and Skylar Laine sang Islands in the Stream by Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton-- The judges all liked the performance and their partnership, they thought the melodies sounded nice.
03 Phillip Phillips sang That's All by Genesis-- Steven loved his individuality and who he is, he said it's what makes him great. Jen thought it started out tough cause the guitar was too loud, but he brought it at the end. Randy loved it and loved the song choice. Randy also gave props to Tony Kanal for telling him to stop playing at the bridge, he said it let the song breathe. Phillip knows exactly who he is and it gives him confidence and that's what makes every performance not just great, but special.
Score: 4.9
Deandre Brackensick and Hollie Cavanagh sang I'm So Excited by The Pointer Sisters-- The judges also praised this performance saying they sounded great together, very nice, very impressive. It was a fun performance, Deandre's performance value was awesome.
04 Joshua Ledet sang If You Don't Know Me By Now by Simply Red-- Jen said ask and you shall receive, that was a powerhouse performance, you held back at the beginning, but you gave it to us at the end. Steven it was over the top, outstanding, how can someone sing like you at your age? Randy said I wanted to stand up from beginning to end, you were so mature. I think Joshua's poise is beyond his 19 years, every week, I am moved and inspired by him.
Score: 5
05 Jessica Sanchez sang How Will I Know by Whitney Houston-- Jen said your vocals are so amazing, your vocals make everything go away for me. Steven said, your voice is so fantastic, everything you do is so beautiful. Randy worked with Whitney on that song and said it was so effortless and mature. It was no Whitney, but Jessica was able to put her own stamp on this and held her own with a song that was a major hit in the 80s.
Score: 4.9
Elise Testone and Phillips sang Stop Draggin' My Heart Around by Tom Petty and Stevie Nicks-- Steven said it couldn't have been better, as good as it gets. Jen imagined herself as one of the duet partners. I actually really liked this, it redeemed both of them tonight.
06 Hollie Cavanagh sang What a Feeling by Irene Cara-- Steven said the pitch was all over the place. Jen told her she was right in listening to what everyone around her says but when she gets up on stage she needs to forget all that, be in the moment, and perform. Randy agreed with Steven and Jen. It sounded like Hollie had an off night, it's almost like she's trying too hard to be technically perfect.
Score: 3.9
Jessica Sanchez and Joshua Ledet sang I Knew You Were Waiting For Me by Aretha Franklin and George Michael-- Randy said two of the greatest singers to hit this competition. He said one of the greatest performances ever on this stage. Jen said, could this be the match up for the finals, you slayed it. Steven said so over the top it defies judging, only for enjoyment.
07 Colton Dixon sang Time After Time by Cyndi Lauper-- Jen really liked the performance. Randy praised how Colton, Joshua, and Phllip took the songs and made them their own. He also complimented on the arrangement, as did Steven. Both made shout outs to the drummer. Randy also talked about how current Colton is, and I agree. This is a sound that we're hearing on the radio right now, and I just love the natural rawness of Colton's voice.
Score: 4.9
08 Skylar Laine sang Wind Beneath My Wings by Bette Midler-- Randy thought it was her best performance on the show to date. Jen said, you made a statement with that performance and said, don't count me out, amazing. Steven said it's the beginning of a great career for you girl, perfect song for your voice. Skylar made me feel every note, every lyric with this performance. She clearly moved Jennifer.
Score: 5

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