Tuesday, March 5, 2019

The Voice Season 16: Wave After Wave of The Blinds

Betsy Ade sang Hunger by Florence and the Machine-- Loved Betsy's voice, huge fan. What I did think was strange though is how she did not really interact with the coaches in terms of their comments on her performance.  Adam said I hear Florence cause I know how much you love her but I also hear Annie Lennox. John loved the way she delivered the big notes. Kelly said she should sing Nothing Compares to You by Sinead O'Connor. Adam said I want to bounce off the walls with you. I feel like Betsy already knew she was going to choose John.
Betsy chose John

Dalton Dover sang Don't Close Your Eyes by Keith Whitley-- Blake turned quickly and Kelly was singing along. His voice is soulful. He is a combination of country soul. Blake said what are you all doing! John said I felt like you were coming up under the note a lot. Blake said I know why you did that, hell yes. I cannot believe I got away with one right there.
Blake chose Dalton

Rebecca Howell sang The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia by Reba McEntire -- Personally, I wasn't a huge fan of this performance. Maybe it was the wrong song but I wasn't as excited as the coaches were. It seemed a little too karaoke for me. Kelly hit first, then Blake (he though Kelly was going to block him), and John turned last. John says while he may be the unorthodox choice, she sounded fantastic. Kelly said go ahead, Mayor of country town here you go. Blake said he loves the "whiney and nasally" voice that singers from Georgia have. John Legend said she was so precise.
Rebecca chose Kelly

Kendra Checketts sang Sober by Demi Lovato-- She needs some polishing but there is so much potential. I thought her song choice was a little bit odd being that is such a personal song. Blake turned right away. Kelly didn't turn because she wanted her to break down that last barrier so that we could hear the ache in her voice. Blake said I am excited about coaching some people. I am so glad you're here.
Blake chose Kendra

J.T. Rodriguez sang Higher Love by Steve Winwood-- He is pretty pitchy, and that's a tough song to sing, probably a bit too challenging for him. The coaches regretted not turning. Luckily, J.T. was chosen for the comeback stage.

L.B. Crew sang Waves by Mr. Probz-- L.B. has an amazing voice. I loved his interpretation of this song. He is so cool and so soulful, his runs, the way he phrases things; I just love the musical choices he made. Blake and Kelly turned almost simultaneously, and then John, and then Adam. Well deserved 4 chair turn! Adam said I am just gonna say one thing and move on. He thinks L.B.'s falsetto can be stronger. Kelly was like nope, he was sexy, I am gonna take my earrings off Adam. Kelly said I was the first person to turn around. I could tell he's got range, tone, and depth. I cannot wait for you to pick me. John said congratulations! Blake said have you ever heard of Toad Suck National Park. Adam said this has got to the worst pitch of your life. I like the tortured intent of your falsetto. Let's break the mold, there's no one like you on my team, let's do it! Adam added at the end, I just want to help you improve.
L.B. chose Adam and said he chose Adam because he appreciated his honesty.

Top performances of the night-- L.B. Crew killed it! I think Blake picked up two amazing artists in Dalton and Kendra

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