Tuesday, October 16, 2018

The Voice Season 15: The Battles --- Mercy, Not Good!

Team Kelly: Kimberli Joye vs. One Up sang Mercy by Shawn Mendes-- I loved how the guys voices blended together. Kimberli's voice at points seemed too strong. It's always odd when it's a duo versus one singer because at times the due can come across like a backup singer for the other vocalist. I would go with One Up. Jennifer said you wore me out.
Kelly chose Kimberli..... ehhh no!

So excited! Cee Lo is back as Adam's advisor!

Team Adam: Anthony Arya vs. Steve Memmolo sang Amie by Pure Prairie League-- I don't love the song choice. The performance was kind of forgettable to be honest. I wasn't feeling it. Blake said Steve stepped up on a song that was very much Anthony's wheelhouse. Adam feels Anthony has shown more growth but Steve is very seasoned. Why did J. Hud use a save?
Adam chose Steve, J. Hud saved Anthony

Team Adam: Jarred vs. Tyke sang Always a Woman-- Again, indifferent, who are these people? I didn't like either.
Adam chose Tyke

Team Blake: Mercedes Ferreira Dias vs. Chris Kroeze sang Back in The High Life by Steve Windwood-- Well, that was an abbreviated performance but I thought Chris won that. Mercedes sounded great with him, but I don't see her having as much star quality as Chris. I'd go with him. Adam praises Mercedes for being a returning contestant and turning a chair. Blake said Chris has a Chris Stapleton vibe.
Blake chose Chris

Team Blake: Rachel Messer vs. Katrina Cain sang Angel by Sara McLachlan-- This song was disposable for me. I felt it was too sleepy. I had a hard time figuring out who was the better vocalist. That being said, I would go with Katrina, I just think she had a stronger Blind Audition.
Blake chose Katrina

Team Jennifer: Mike Parker vs. Natasia Greycloud sang Gravity by John Mayer-- Mike improved so much since his blind audition. Kelly said you all sound unbelievable. Adam said Mike you were really good. You guys both made the song come to life. Jennifer had a hard time choosing, she said Jesus answers prayers.
Jennifer chose Mike, that was the right decision J. Hud! Kelly chose Natasia

The only ones I am looking forward to are Chris and Mike, maybe Natasia sneaks in there. Overall unimpressed with tonight, I don't think I have ever said that before.

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