Tonight's mentor was Idol fave
01 Phillip Phillips sang Hard to Handle by The Black Crowes (1990)-- Randy complimented Phillip's song choice saying it was a good one for him, very bluesy. Jennifer said it was very natural for him, it's like music is in every cell of his body. Steven said I like how you pick songs that match your voice and your character. I personally loved the song choice, and really loved Phillip's performance, just the way he moved on stage and everything about it.
Score: 5
02 Jessica Sanchez sang Turn the Beat Around by Gloria Estefan (1995)-- Steven loves her voice but warned her not to stray too much from ballads which really fit her voice. Jennifer said, good job but it was not my favorite thing for you. Randy said pick something "more" because you are that good. To me, it wasn't as bad as the judges made it out to be. I think the song was too simple considering the voice Jessica has, also her voice is more legato and that didn't work with such a syncopated song. She's a front runner though who isn't in danger of going home (but everyone vote!).
Score: 4
03 Heejun Han sang Right Here Waiting by Richard Marx (1989)-- Randy thought it was pitchy all over the place. Jennifer said I could tell you were struggling but you were fighting through it and I felt your heart, by the end, it was really beautiful. Steven said you were out of breath, but I still love your voice no matter what; you have a special voice. Heejun does indeed have heart, he makes an effort every time he steps on the stage. He made not have been in his best voice tonight, but his voice is forever special and in the grand scheme that means more.
Score: 4
04 Elise Testone sang Let's Stay Together by Al Green (1983)-- Steven loves Elise's voice as does Jen; Randy proclaimed, Elise is back. He commented particularly on the run at the end and said beautiful, it was butter. I felt the intro to the song was rough, I didn't like how she scooped into some of her notes, but as the song went along it got more and more beautiful, and I understand now why the judges saved Elise last week.
Score: 4.75
05 Deandre Brackensick sang Endless Love by Luther Vandross and Mariah Carey (1994)-- None of the judges liked the song choice and they said Jimmy was wrong for steering him to that song. Jennifer said despite that, you sang it so well. I may be a little prejudiced but I have loved Deandre since last year, and his voice is unique because he can sing really low notes and yet he also has that beautiful falsetto.
Score: 4
06 Shannon Magrane sang One Sweet Day by Mariah Carey and Boyz II Men (1995)-- Jen was impressed and thought she did a beautiful job; Steven echoed her sentiment. Randy said he loved the runs she did throughout the song and loves her fearlessness at her young age. I didn't love this as much as the judges did, only because this is one of my favorite songs of all time, and her voice faltered in some spots where she shouldn't have. I do think the last third of the song was amazing, and I did like how it ended.
Score: 4.25
07 Colton Dixon sang Broken Heart by White Lion (1991)-- Jen liked the song and said Colton looks pretty when he sings. Steven disagreed and didn't like the song choice, and felt the song didn't go anywhere. Randy said the song choice didn't matter because Colton is in the zone and consistent every week. I'm torn on this because I feel that because I didn't know the song, I wasn't as engaged. I do like Colton, and I appreciate his musical style and his talent, I just wish the song had been different. That being said, he was in good voice tonight.
Score: 4.25
08 Erika Van Pelt sang Heaven by Bryan Adams (1985)-- Steven loves the song, felt it was too busy, but still likes her voice. Jen said the arrangement left us wanting more, but she liked it, and so did Randy. Randy said he gave it an eight out of ten, but didn't like what Jimmy did with the song. I think this was the perfect song for her voice but I have to say I agree with the judges, the arrangement was a bit much. She said have sang it more straight and just let her voice speak for itself.
Score: 4.75
Jermaine was confronted by Nigel and Ken and came clean about exactly what took place. They said they would have to let him go from the show and that they were sorry because they said hearing him in rehearsal that day was the best that they had ever heard him. After listening to him singing Somewhere Out There it made me sad, because he is talented. I hope people don't look at him and think he lied or he screwed the show. Maybe, just maybe, he knew what he did was wrong, and he couldn't reveal it because then he never would have had the Idol experience. Having that experience may have been what he needed to turn his life around and get things moving in the right direction.
09 Skylar Laine sang Love Sneakin' Up on You by Bonnie Raitt (1994)-- Steven praised her voice and said she hasn't sang badly yet. Jen said, I know you think we're being mean, but if we're not honest, we're doing you a disservice. She then went on to say, "you killed it". Randy said the song choice doesn't matter if you sing it well, and called her their resident country rocker. Skylar is my favorite lady of the night so far, she has so much spunk, it's crazy.
Score: 5
10 Joshua Ledet sang When a Man Loves a Woman by Michael Bolton (1992)-- Steven said Joshua, that was so good, God came through your eyes, it was so beautiful. Randy said phenomenal, incredible on every level, crazy good! Jen said, best thing I have ever seen on American Idol ever. Wow! For me, this was a throwback to Motown and the likes of Sam Cooke, Marvin Gaye, David Ruffin, Eddie Kendricks. It was like hearing this song for the first time, and Joshua was slow, took his time, and got it right. Every single note was amazing, and I treasured it, I want to hear this performance again and again.
Score: 5+ (I want to give it more than just a 5)
11 Hollie Cavanagh sang The Power of Love by Celine Dion (1993)-- Jen said, you and Joshua, they saved the best for last, that was beautiful. Steven said, there was a couple of pitchy things, and I don't know where you get your voice, but it's from heaven above. Randy said you blew it out the box, very well done. Hollie is a little powerhouse and this song was a great choice for her. I didn't like how they arranged the song, specifically the words they changed around and took out of the song in order to abbreviate it for the time she was allotted. Unlike last week though, her voice was entirely on point.
Score: 5

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