01 Deandre Brackensick sang Only the Good Die Young-- Steven didn't really make any comments, Jen liked his vibe and though he did a good job. Randy didn't think it was great, but he thought it was okay. I agree with Jennifer Lopez, Deandre mixed his style with Billy Joel's style and I thought it was a sound balance.
Score: 4
02 Erika Van Pelt sang New York State of Mind-- Randy called her one of the best singers this season. He said those who "can do", should. Steven said that she did a beautiful job. Jen also praised not only her singing, but her style. I think Erika had a new found confidence and it was great to see. She is a strong singer, and completely underestimated so far by the American public. I am hoping this new look will be exactly what she needs to earn more votes, sad as that sounds.
Score: 5
03 Joshua Ledet sang She's Got a Way-- Jen praised his singing abilities but said she wanted him to feel more of a connection to the lyrics. Steven said you took a song I didn't know, and you breathed life into it. Randy said both the other judges are right, always grab the lyrics and make them your own. Steven added at the end, can you tell how much we love you Joshua? I actually really liked this because it was almost like a gospel version of She's Got a Way which was pleasant to the ears. Joshua really seemed to be comfortable singing the song in his own style. I understands Jen's point of view for future performances, but the point is a bit moot here because he sounded so good that I cannot imagine him not moving on to next week.
Score: 4.75
04 Skylar Laine sang Shameless-- Jen said, I love your attack, you're fearless, by the end of it, you had the whole audience with you. Steven and Randy both agreed it was a little bit pitchy at the beginning because it was so low. Steven said when she hits the chorus of a song, she sings it with such conviction. Skylar is a fighter, her effort is so evident every week, and I don't think Billy Joel was her jam, but she made the best of it.
Score: 4.5
05 Elise Testone sang Vienna-- The judges gave her a standing ovation. Steven thought the melody was fantastic, said the performance had a lot of heart, and called her beautiful. Jennifer loved her confidence and the personality in the song. Randy loved how she took the song and made it her own, and called her vocals unbelievable. Make no mistake, she had a special moment onstage and she without question, proved tonight, why she is here. I loved it, and I hope everyone realizes her talent this week.
06 Phillip Phillips sang Movin' Out-- Jennifer said you are who you are, awesome performance. Steven said you "Phillip Phillipsed" that performance. Randy said, they told you to take away your guitar, you kept it. They told you not to wear gray, you wore gray. Randy said, keep doing what you're doing, because you actually know who you are. He added that's the best rendition of that song that I've ever heard. I have never heard that song, but to me, it's a Phillip Phillips original. I loved the way he sang the song, and his performance quality, he puts all the superficial aside because he wants the audience to be entertained with his music. To me, that's what a star really is.
Score: 5
07 Hollie Cavanagh sang Honesty-- Steven felt it was a little bit pitchy, like she over sang and over thought it a little bit, but despite that, he still felt she was good. Jen and Randy both made similar comments to Steven reminding her to hit her notes more head on and tune her vocals. I like Hollie a lot, and while this wasn't my favorite Hollie performance she did turn it into a power ballad which did suit her. I agree that maybe she over thought the performance which is why it didn't compare to last week.
Score: 4
08 Heejun Han sang My Life-- Jennifer and Randy both said something similar, the basis of it was, his vocals weren't the best cause he was running all over the stage, but they enjoyed it because it was entertaining and he had fun. Steven echoed the sentiment, but added that he will need to get more serious if he hopes to do better in the competition. I felt Heejun was hurt by the criticism he faced last week, and I think that reflected in his performance this week, he was less serious. I hope people still pick up the phone and vote for him because during Hollywood week I felt something really special in Heejun.
Score: 4.25
09 Jessica Sanchez sang Everybody Has a Dream-- Another standing ovation tonight! Steven said when God was giving out vocal cords, you were at the front of the line; thank you for letting me hear you sing baby! Jen felt the song was made for her. Randy commented on her consistency and said she has a moment every week she steps on the stage, flawless and perfection. My question is, what can Jessica not do, what can she not sing? She is so amazing and so humble about her unique gift.
Score: 5
10 Colton Dixon sang Piano Man-- Jennifer told Colton he sings with pure feeling and Diddy paid him one of the biggest compliments by telling him he would buy that record right now. Steven said your choice of chords to sing was stunning. Randy told him to stay an individual because that's what he loves about him. Colton's performance touched my heart, and I feel that he connected with the song which always comes across to the listener. This was one of my favorite performances of the night.
Score: 5

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