01 Colton Dixon sang Everything by Lifehouse-- Steven said, you're a judges dream come true. You sing a song, make it bleed, you have perfect pitch, and star quality. Jennifer said you had so much emotion but you had composure and control, really amazing. Randy said you have believability, I believe every song you sing, every lyric. He even called him a contender for the finale. I have to ditto everything the judges said; there aren't enough good things I can say about Colton. He moved me with this performance.
Score: 5
02 Skylar Laine sang Gunpowder & Lead by Miranda Lambert-- Jen loved her unbridled energy. Steven said it was over the top, like she was talking to a good friend, beautiful. Randy pointed out that not many country singers have her range, other than Carrie. He called her a powerhouse and said good lookin' out. I love Skyler's tenacity, her absolute fearlessness to take on whatever song with tons of conviction. I can totally see her recording a Miranda Lambert-like record.
Score: 5
Trio 1: Colton Dixon, Elise Testone, and Phillip Phillips sang a Stevie Nicks and Fleetwood Mac medley-- Landslide, Edge of Seventeen (Just Like the White Winged Dove), Don't Stop Thinkin' About Tomorrow
03 Heejun Han sang A Song for You by Donny Hathaway-- Steven said Heejun turned it around, you're a natural, your voice is great. Jen said when you sing like that, you move people. Randy said it wasn't perfect, but the Heejun we selected came back to us tonight. This is how I remember Heejun during Hollywood week, his desire was there 100%, and he wanted to win this, for himself, for his family, for the kids he works with. Tonight, that guy came back, and as a Heejun fan, I am so proud.
Score: 4.75
04 Hollie Cavanagh sang Jesus Take the Wheel by Carrie Underwood-- Randy said she did a really good job, but there were some pitchy moments. He received boos from that comment but he then said overall "pretty good job, I was impressed." Jennifer disagreed with Randy and said she felt it was one of her best because of her emotion and how she completely connected with the song. Steven fell somewhere in between saying that he agrees that she had the emotion but that he would have picked a different song that would have more fully showcased her vocal ability. I agree with all the judges, Jen is right, Hollie had a definite connection with this song, and I think it's the first time I have seen that kind of connection and emotion from her, but there were some pitch issues in the performance.
Score: 4.5
05 Deandre Brackensick sang Sometimes I Cry by Eric Benet-- The judges gave him a standing ovation, I should also mention that they gave one to Heejun too. Steven called the performance 100% passion, and said he gave Prince a run for his money. Jen urged people to pick up the phone and vote for him because his performance was so beautiful and went straight to the heart. Randy said he has this great Maxwell- Prince thing and he said not only is Heejun back, but Deandre is back too. I thought there were some moments in that song that absolutely had me breathless. His voice is just undeniably special, I hope and pray people do pick up that phone and vote like Jennifer said.
Score: 5
06 Jessica Sanchez sang Sweet Dreams by Beyonce-- Jennifer loved her poise and maturity and her rendition of the song. Steven said you're a star no matter what. Randy said stars are truly born. You innately have unbelievable talent. Best singer I've heard in many years. Like Colton, you're in it to win it. I loved this version too, I could even see her singing this at her concert as a cover. Her voice is unreal and beautiful.
Score: 5
Trio 2: Deandre Brackensick, Heejun Han, and Joshua Ledet sang a Michael Jackson medley-- Lady in my Life, Rock with You, and P.Y.T.
07 Phillip Phillips sang Still Rainin' by Jonny Lang-- Wow, I think Stevie Nick is in love with Phillip Phillips but aren't we all? Another standing ovation. Jennifer said the music always comes first for Phillip and we can all see it every time he performs. He wants us to feel it too. Steven said the music is in your body and soul and I love it. Randy said I love the artist that you are, it's about being an individual. Phillip brings me into his performance every time he sings, I feel like I am right there with him. I've been thinking about this for the past few weeks, and everyone has compared Phillip to Dave Matthews, and honestly, no offense to Dave, but Dave Matthews who? I say that because Phillip is so his own artist that there should be no comparison. I haven't heard anyone like him.
Score: 5
08 Joshua Ledet sang Without You by Mariah Carey-- Another standing ovation (this is number 4 if you're keeping track). Randy said I love you, I love your voice, that was flawless, emotional, brilliant, Mariah would be proud. Steven said, everyone has pushed beyond their own limits tonight, including you. Jennifer said you are a phenom, an angel from heaven, you're a God send Joshua. Joshua Ledet takes me somewhere special every time he sings. I feel like I go somewhere outside of myself, my emotions fully come to the surface, and this performance, this artist, totally had me from the first note.
Score: 5
Trio 3: Hollie Cavanagh, Skyler Laine, and Jessica Sanchez sang a Madonna medley-- Like a Prayer, Borderline, and Express Yourself
09 Elise Testone sang Whole Lotta Love by Led Zepplin-- Stevie loved Elise and felt she was a kindred spirit and if she needed a singer she would hire her in a second. Steven said Robert Plant would be proud, you pulled it off. Jen said, I didn't want to get up, but you made me get up. Randy said everyone wants to win it tonight, you did an amazing job, congrats. Elise is such a throwback, someone who sings and performs like she is from another time, but I am happy she is from this time. This performance had sass, I loved it.
Score: 5

I have no idea who is going home tomorrow, everyone's guess is as good as mine. I wish no one had to ever again. This group was off the charts tonight.