01 Amanda Overmyer sang "Back in the U.S.S.R." from The White Album (1968). Amanda is great, and I love her stage presence, but I have to agree with Simon. It was very predictable, and if she does not change things up every once and a while she is going to become quite boring. Amanda isn't a one trick pony, so she shouldn't sell herself that way as a musician.
Score: 3.2
02 Kristy Lee Cook sang "You Got to Hide Your Love Away" from Help! (1965). I found the arrangement of the song to be really odd. Kristy's vocals were better than last week, but this was a safe, good performance, not a great one by any means. She does not have that stage presence that you see with someone like Amanda.
Score: 2.8
03 David Archuleta (pictured below) san

Score: 5
04 Michael Johns sang "A Day in the Life" from Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (1967). Although I do like this song, I do not think it was the right one for Michael to sing. He is an amazing performer, and unfortunately this was a disappointing performance. I have to agree with Simon; it was a mess. The song along with the arrangement was all over the place, and he was trying to do way too much in a minute and a half performance.
Score: 3
05 Brooke White sang "Here Comes the Sun" from Abbey Road (1969). Brooke has this great likeability quaility about her; you just cannot help but smile when she performs. I have to admit, I did not like the idea of her choosing this song. As Brooke said, this dip felt almost inevitable after last weeks "Let it Be". I am confident though that Brooke will rebound next week.
Score: 3.9
06 David Cook sang "Day Tripper" from sessions recorded during Rubber Soul (1965). David sounds like he could be playing rock concerts right now. I disagree wholeheartedly with Simon's comments about him being too smug; I don't think that is true. It was not one of his best performances, but David is one of the most consistant contestants on the show this season.
Score: 4.4
07 Carly Smithson sang "Blackbird" from The White Album (1968). I thought the song was a safe choice for her, maybe too safe. I enjoyed her singing in the lower register of her voice; the tone was well controlled.
Score: 4.5
08 Jason Castro sang "Michelle" from Rubber Soul (1965). I just smile every time Jason comes onstage. I disagreed with the judges totally in that I thought it was a solid performance. Simon is right, Jason is charming and not obnoxious and that is part of his appeal. He continues to impress me.
Score: 4.5
09 Syesha Mercado (pictured on the right) sang "Yesterday" from Help! (1965). I think I was looking for a little more since this is such a special song. However, as Paula said, Syesha displayed a certai

Score: 4.75
10 Chikezie Eze sang "I've Just Seen a Face" from Help! (1965). I like Chikezie's spirit in this song, and I like the bluegrass feel that Randy mentioned. There was a lot of emotion behind those vocals; Chikezie continues to have an impressive energy onstage.
Score: 4
11 Ramiele Malubay sang "I Shoulda Known Better" from A Hard Day's Night (1964). Simon is right, Ramiele does have a great personality and she is so fun, but I feel like her magic has been absent from this competition for a few weeks now. She needs to regain that and use her vocal abilities more so that her performances aren't just chalked up to lackluster.
Score: 4
Photos are from http://www.americanidol.com/
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