This episode was rather scary at points but I don't imagine it being as scary as tonight's episode where the vile Bentley makes his return prompting some of the bachelors to wonder why they are even there fighting for Ashley. She just seems to want to put all her time into Bentley. Although, let's be fair, the guy completely lied about not only his reason for leaving, but he lied about his feelings for Ashley and his relationship with the other bachelors was fake to say the least.
Anyway, plenty more about tonight's episode later; this is about last week's episode.
A little bit awkward? I like Ben F. a lot (wine guy); however, for some reason their chemistry is a little but awkward. I am talking in particular about when they are at the Thai temple. Later on at dinner, Ben talks about how a year ago he wasn't emotionally available as a result of his father's death several years before. He says he is more accepting now because he is less selfish. He says his agenda in a relationship is doing things for the person he is with and growing together as a couple. Ashley gives him a rose, and comments on the passion between them and how she can see herself with him.
Worst premise for a date: The group date where the guys literally fight each other for Ashley. Poor Ames ended up in a hospital with a concussion. Blake received the group date rose and presented himself as a front runner.
Sweetest moment of the night: All the guys being so concerned about Ames. I found that really sweet; their camaraderie was not only impressive but nice to see in a day and age where everything is about competition.
Worst 2 on 1 date: William and Ben C. Ashley, my dear, I have to hand it to you on one thing, you got rid of two guys on the show that in my opinion were dead weight. William is a liar and doesn't think about anything before he says it. Hasn't he inserted his foot in his mouth enough this season? William, Ashley wants a man, not a 30 year old boy! Ben C. was someone I really liked at the beginning of this but he had no life and no enthusiasm on this date whatsoever. When Ashley accused of him of not really wanting to be there, he didn't even try and fight that opinion or challenge it. It begs the question: did he really want to be there? Ashley sent both guys packing.
Kindest words of the night: J.P. admitted to Ashley that it stung when she came to the house to pick up Ben F. for their one on one. He said what gets his through it is thinking about any time he will get to have with her. Ashley spoiled this by telling the camera she couldn't help but think about Bentley. :-(
Smartest words of the night: Host Chris Harrison telling Ashley that she is not being fair to the guys or herself by thinking about Bentley. He promised her that the process will not work if she is only in it half way.
Nick is eliminated at the rose ceremony.
Eight bachelors remain: Ben F., Blake, Constantine, Lucas, J.P., Ames, Mickey, Ryan
Monday, June 27, 2011
Sunday, June 26, 2011
I Love the Blues
When it comes to fashion trends, the late summer and early fall is all about the blues. Although, I'll be honest, many are already sporting blues now, and why not? With all the pretty shades of blue, how could you not find an element for your wardrobe that you love in a color that can be peaceful, vibrant, and regal.
Wowza! Hit the beach or the pool in the Maya Twist Bandeau Top and Double String Bottoms from Victoria's Secret. The bikini comes in many different colors including three different shades of blue: Pacific Blue, Blue Legend, and Scuba Blue.

I absolutely fell in love with this bright navy blue and black dress from LOFT. The dress has a sexy print but a sophisticated look. It's perfect for a night out and can be paired with heels, flats, or sandals. It is much more attractive in person than in a picture, and the great thing is that it's machine washable, an important feature. Wearing it with a belt will give it a more finished and dressed up look while also accentuating the waist and hips.

Last week I was at my salon getting a pedicure and I wanted to do something different than I usually do. I decided to be daring and go with this blue-purple shade of Essie nail polish from their Brazilian collection. I do not regret it, the color actually looks great and gives pop to almost every outfit that I wear. I highly recommend buying a bottle of Smooth Sailing.

I love this daring teal embellished shoulder cardigan from Style Rush. Be sure to check out the Facebook page where there is a better photo of the detail on the shoulders. This cardigan is very 80s, but I assure you, the 80s will be making a comeback in some capacity this fall. This piece is an absolute steal at $22!

Turquoise has long been a favorite of mine whether it be in clothing, shoes, or accessories; it has a very vintage feel to it and I love the authenticity it brings to any outfit. The real surprise has been that Lucky brand, long famous for its graphic tees also makes some great shoes. These Nama Stone Sandals are no exception. Lucky Brand shoes are available on the Lucky Brand website and at select Macy's stores and
Wowza! Hit the beach or the pool in the Maya Twist Bandeau Top and Double String Bottoms from Victoria's Secret. The bikini comes in many different colors including three different shades of blue: Pacific Blue, Blue Legend, and Scuba Blue.

I absolutely fell in love with this bright navy blue and black dress from LOFT. The dress has a sexy print but a sophisticated look. It's perfect for a night out and can be paired with heels, flats, or sandals. It is much more attractive in person than in a picture, and the great thing is that it's machine washable, an important feature. Wearing it with a belt will give it a more finished and dressed up look while also accentuating the waist and hips.

Last week I was at my salon getting a pedicure and I wanted to do something different than I usually do. I decided to be daring and go with this blue-purple shade of Essie nail polish from their Brazilian collection. I do not regret it, the color actually looks great and gives pop to almost every outfit that I wear. I highly recommend buying a bottle of Smooth Sailing.

I love this daring teal embellished shoulder cardigan from Style Rush. Be sure to check out the Facebook page where there is a better photo of the detail on the shoulders. This cardigan is very 80s, but I assure you, the 80s will be making a comeback in some capacity this fall. This piece is an absolute steal at $22!

Turquoise has long been a favorite of mine whether it be in clothing, shoes, or accessories; it has a very vintage feel to it and I love the authenticity it brings to any outfit. The real surprise has been that Lucky brand, long famous for its graphic tees also makes some great shoes. These Nama Stone Sandals are no exception. Lucky Brand shoes are available on the Lucky Brand website and at select Macy's stores and

Monday, June 20, 2011
Ashley Hebert: The Bachelorette Season 7 Episode 4
Best Advice: Constantine and Ashley ran into a sage Thai man on their one on one date who told them in love you must forgive and forget and love is not about winning. Amen.
Most intelligent bachelor in the group and Best one on one date: Ames! He has impressed me so much. I know Ames is not much in the looks department but he makes up for it with thought provoking questions, intelligence, charm, and just being a good person. Their one on one date was so beautiful; they went sea kayaking which took them through a cave. Ames equated navigating the sea like navigating a relationship, their are twists and turns around every corner, but so beautiful. Ashley is intrigued by Ames's personality and says there is so much good in him. Good thing you got rid of Bentley so you could get to know Ames, Ashley! Good move!
The group date took place at an orphanage for children in Thailand who lost their families in the Tsunami. The guys and Ashley work on painting and some landscaping. Ben F. paints a mural for the kids; nice touch Ben, very cute! Ashley feels Ben F. is getting more and more confident and comfortable.
J.P. talks to Ashley later in the date, and tells her that the day at the orphanage has forever changed him. They are outside by the beach in the pouring rain and he is holding an umbrella over her as they talk about the day and their last one on one date. He says he doesn't care that he saw Ashley at her lowest point.
Most movie moment: J.P. kissing Ashley under the umbrella as they sit on the beach. He said is doesn't get more romantic than that and they have definite chemistry. Ashley says J.P. is one sexy man.
Constantine and Ames got roses on their one on one dates and Ben F. got the rose on the group date.
West is eliminated because Ashley doesn't know if he is ready to move on following the death of his wife.
Most intelligent bachelor in the group and Best one on one date: Ames! He has impressed me so much. I know Ames is not much in the looks department but he makes up for it with thought provoking questions, intelligence, charm, and just being a good person. Their one on one date was so beautiful; they went sea kayaking which took them through a cave. Ames equated navigating the sea like navigating a relationship, their are twists and turns around every corner, but so beautiful. Ashley is intrigued by Ames's personality and says there is so much good in him. Good thing you got rid of Bentley so you could get to know Ames, Ashley! Good move!
The group date took place at an orphanage for children in Thailand who lost their families in the Tsunami. The guys and Ashley work on painting and some landscaping. Ben F. paints a mural for the kids; nice touch Ben, very cute! Ashley feels Ben F. is getting more and more confident and comfortable.
J.P. talks to Ashley later in the date, and tells her that the day at the orphanage has forever changed him. They are outside by the beach in the pouring rain and he is holding an umbrella over her as they talk about the day and their last one on one date. He says he doesn't care that he saw Ashley at her lowest point.
Most movie moment: J.P. kissing Ashley under the umbrella as they sit on the beach. He said is doesn't get more romantic than that and they have definite chemistry. Ashley says J.P. is one sexy man.
Constantine and Ames got roses on their one on one dates and Ben F. got the rose on the group date.
West is eliminated because Ashley doesn't know if he is ready to move on following the death of his wife.
Monday, June 13, 2011
Ashley Hebert: The Bachelorette Season 7 So Far...
Ashley Hebert's season of the Bachelorette has been nothing less than eventful. It's also been a season of several firsts, surprising since it's been airing for a while now. So far, three episodes have aired and there has already been tons of scandal, and an "it" that I refuse to refer to as a guy.
I am going to create some superlatives about the guys, and some of the events that have transpired so far this season.
Episode 1
Best entrance for the first meeting: a tie between Ben C. and Ben F. Ben C. spoke French and intrigued Ashley, good move for a first meeting. Ben F. brought two glasses and a bottle of wine from his own vineyard, if that's not sweet and impressive, I don't know what it is.
Too cocky for his own good first meeting: Bentley, oh please, need I explain, we'll get into this later.
Most awkward first meeting: Jeff. The mask was a good idea in theory but a bad idea ultimately.
Best first impression but possibly becoming too annoying for his own good: Ryan P. -- Ryan seemed like the whole package and even got the first impression rose, but the guys are beginning to tire of his constant attempts to hog Ashley's time. We all know how that turns out (Vienna ring a bell? And I do want to say that I do actually like Vienna).
Most laughable moment from episode one: Tim who is an alcohol distributor got completely drunk to the point that he was unable to even have a conversation with Ashley, fell asleep, couldn't stand up, and was kicked off before the rose ceremony.
*Eliminated after the first episode: Anthony, Chris M., Frank, Jon, Michael, Rob, and Tim
Episode 2
Best Matthew McConaughy feel kinda guy: Nick. I don't know what it is but Nick reminds me of Matthew McConaughy. I loved the seen in the second episode where he teaches Ashley to line dance. I propose Nick for the next Bachelor.
Best One on One Date from episode two: Mickey. Visit to a giant wine cellar that isn't a cellar and dinner in a Penthouse in Las Vegas with an amazing view of the city. Mickey reveals he is an only child but has step siblings. His mom passed away six years ago but he tries to live his life in a way that would make her proud. Then they go outside where they have an impromptu beach party where Colbie Caillet sings. The dancing and the kiss between Ashley and Mickey is definitely hot. Can I just say if Mickey doesn't win he has an amazing chance of being the next Bachelor, Nick is really a long shot (we could see him on The Bachelor Pad?).
Most surprising moment from episode two: tie William and West. William revealed that like Ashley's father is father is an alcoholic except that William's father actually died from the disease. West revealed that his wife died.
Biggest Ass on the show: Bentley!
Worst line from episode 2: Bentley. "I'd rather swim in piss than plan a wedding with Ashley."
*Eliminated after the second episode: Matt, Stephen, and Ryan M.
Episode 3
Best moment that should have been good but wasn't: Jeff taking off the mask. They built it up and it turned out to be such a bomb that Jeff was eliminated at the end of the episode.
Biggest Ass (again)!: Bentley, I'm gonna make Ashley cry; I hope my hair looks good. You jerk! Bentley, what woman in America do you know who is going to actually be stupid enough to date you after this. Even Emily, who you said you really came here for doesn't like you or buy your story.
Best insert foot in mouth moment episode three: William. Some of the guys went on a group date where they had to roast Ashley. He made a joke saying they came here for Emily or Chantal and wound up with Ashley. Wow, William. I hope you are ready to do some major kissing up my friend. A front runner just moved to the back of the pack, right William?
Best One on One Date from episode three: J.P. Ashley, if you don't fall in love with J.P., I most certainly think I am going to. What is not to like about this tall, dark, handsome, and shy NYC cutie? I especially loved the part where they decided to change into pajamas and sit near the fire. Ashley kissed J.P. and commented, there is something about J.P.'s kisses, let's just say J.P. over Bentley in the kiss department. Ashley, I am so relieved to hear you say that because I could tell that Bentley kisses like a wuss just by looking at him. Plus, in the words of Jimmy Kimmel, who names their child after an obnoxious car? Thank you. And J.P. thank you.
*Eliminated after the third episode: Jeff and Chris D.
I am going to create some superlatives about the guys, and some of the events that have transpired so far this season.
Episode 1
Best entrance for the first meeting: a tie between Ben C. and Ben F. Ben C. spoke French and intrigued Ashley, good move for a first meeting. Ben F. brought two glasses and a bottle of wine from his own vineyard, if that's not sweet and impressive, I don't know what it is.
Too cocky for his own good first meeting: Bentley, oh please, need I explain, we'll get into this later.
Most awkward first meeting: Jeff. The mask was a good idea in theory but a bad idea ultimately.
Best first impression but possibly becoming too annoying for his own good: Ryan P. -- Ryan seemed like the whole package and even got the first impression rose, but the guys are beginning to tire of his constant attempts to hog Ashley's time. We all know how that turns out (Vienna ring a bell? And I do want to say that I do actually like Vienna).
Most laughable moment from episode one: Tim who is an alcohol distributor got completely drunk to the point that he was unable to even have a conversation with Ashley, fell asleep, couldn't stand up, and was kicked off before the rose ceremony.
*Eliminated after the first episode: Anthony, Chris M., Frank, Jon, Michael, Rob, and Tim
Episode 2
Best Matthew McConaughy feel kinda guy: Nick. I don't know what it is but Nick reminds me of Matthew McConaughy. I loved the seen in the second episode where he teaches Ashley to line dance. I propose Nick for the next Bachelor.
Best One on One Date from episode two: Mickey. Visit to a giant wine cellar that isn't a cellar and dinner in a Penthouse in Las Vegas with an amazing view of the city. Mickey reveals he is an only child but has step siblings. His mom passed away six years ago but he tries to live his life in a way that would make her proud. Then they go outside where they have an impromptu beach party where Colbie Caillet sings. The dancing and the kiss between Ashley and Mickey is definitely hot. Can I just say if Mickey doesn't win he has an amazing chance of being the next Bachelor, Nick is really a long shot (we could see him on The Bachelor Pad?).
Most surprising moment from episode two: tie William and West. William revealed that like Ashley's father is father is an alcoholic except that William's father actually died from the disease. West revealed that his wife died.
Biggest Ass on the show: Bentley!
Worst line from episode 2: Bentley. "I'd rather swim in piss than plan a wedding with Ashley."
*Eliminated after the second episode: Matt, Stephen, and Ryan M.
Episode 3
Best moment that should have been good but wasn't: Jeff taking off the mask. They built it up and it turned out to be such a bomb that Jeff was eliminated at the end of the episode.
Biggest Ass (again)!: Bentley, I'm gonna make Ashley cry; I hope my hair looks good. You jerk! Bentley, what woman in America do you know who is going to actually be stupid enough to date you after this. Even Emily, who you said you really came here for doesn't like you or buy your story.
Best insert foot in mouth moment episode three: William. Some of the guys went on a group date where they had to roast Ashley. He made a joke saying they came here for Emily or Chantal and wound up with Ashley. Wow, William. I hope you are ready to do some major kissing up my friend. A front runner just moved to the back of the pack, right William?
Best One on One Date from episode three: J.P. Ashley, if you don't fall in love with J.P., I most certainly think I am going to. What is not to like about this tall, dark, handsome, and shy NYC cutie? I especially loved the part where they decided to change into pajamas and sit near the fire. Ashley kissed J.P. and commented, there is something about J.P.'s kisses, let's just say J.P. over Bentley in the kiss department. Ashley, I am so relieved to hear you say that because I could tell that Bentley kisses like a wuss just by looking at him. Plus, in the words of Jimmy Kimmel, who names their child after an obnoxious car? Thank you. And J.P. thank you.
*Eliminated after the third episode: Jeff and Chris D.
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