Sunday, July 5, 2009

Bachelorette Scoop Episode 7: Hometown Dates

Reid's hometown date, Philadelphia, PA: Reid's mom Rhonda puts a lot of pressure on Reid and Jillian because she wants him to hurry up and have kids. She does think Jillian is adorable, and Reid remarks that falling in love is so stressful.

Michael's hometown date, Valencia, CA: Michael's family is so cute, he has a twin brother named Steve, a sister named Jenna, and his parents Lynn and Frank. Michael and his twin pull the ole switcheroo but Jillian knows right away that Steve isn't Michael. Michael's dad reminds him that when he falls, he falls hard but that he should not hold back regardless. Steve tells Jillian that he and Michael always wanted to be young husbands and young fathers and spend quality time with their future wives before starting a family.

Kiptyn's hometown date, San Diego, CA: Kiptyn's family pokes a lot of fun at Jillian and upon arrival at their home they take her to the back yard where they have put caution tape around their hot tub. They also make her try lasagna and red wine combos to see which one she thinks is the best and most authentic. Jillian says Kiptyn's mom was the first parent to really grill her without batting an eye, and Jillian wonders whether or not she passed the test.

Jesse's hometown date, Carmel, CA: Jillian's main question about Jesse is whether or not he is really ready to be married. Jesse's brother, Jacob is really cynical and questions if Jesse can really get married and have kids. Jacob asks Jillian what she likes about Jesse-- he allows her to be independent but at the same time they'd take care of each other. Jesse feels they have to let their relationship mature before they take full advantage of it.

Wes' hometown date: Austin, TX:
Jillian: Wes gets me more than any of the other guys.
Me: Jillian gimme a break, stop being so gullible.

Wes introduces Jillian to his band and talks about publicity for his album.

Wes: Jillian, I am here for the right reasons and I don't wanna have to tell you again.
Jake: Jillian, I am not here to get you back, I have to tell you something important.
Jillian: Let me guess, Wes is here for his career, Wes is gay.
Jake: No, Wes has a girlfriend; her name is Laurel and he talked about her three times with me. He will deny it and say she is from his past.

Wes then tries to tell Jillian that he told Jake that he is good friends with his ex to this day, and that they are broken up. Jake is so sweet and says he is on Jillian's side and says he will stand up for her and protect her. Jake tells Wes that he should be ashamed of himself and still being there because he took another guys spot. He says Jillian is just an innocent girl trying to find love.

I think Wes' family is in on this whole scheme because his sisters said, "guys are always gonna be jealous of Wesley and what he has".

Ed comes back and asks for another chance; he says he made a big mistake.

Michael and Jesse are eliminated. I was sad about Michael being eliminated, and says there are three things he wants Jillian to know. 1. You're beautiful, 2. I'm going to miss you, and 3. Be happy.

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