Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The X Factor reveals the 16 finalists..... or is it 17?

I watched last night in horror as Simon sent Melanie Amaro home to Florida. He told her he was genuinely sorry, but that she did not made his final four. I thought to myself, how could he let the best natural singer in this competition walk away?

He wasn't the only judge in my opinion who made mistakes last night, L.A. Reid shouldn't have let Tim Cifers go, there is a niche for someone like him. I'm not sure who I would have traded for Tim, but I think he should have been able to have America judge him.

Paula let two amazing groups go, clear favorites, The Anser and 4 Shore, in favor of keeping two groups who had been together for maybe two weeks, Lacoda Rayne and InTENsity. 4 Shore, were clearly the best technical singers in the group category.

Nicole, I believe, was faced with the hardest job of all, because for the over 30s, this is the last stop for most of them.

In a shocking turn of events, Simon realized at the end of the day that he had made a mistake sending Melanie home, and that he would never forgive himself if he didn't seek her out to apologize and ask her to return to the competition. Melanie seemed genuinely surprised to see Simon standing in her family's living room. Simon apologized saying he had let the young singer down and that he wouldn't do it again.

So here are the final 17

Simon's Girls
Simon Battle
Drew Ryniewicz
Tiah Tolliver
Rachel Crowe
Melanie Amaro

L.A.'s Boys
Brian "Astro" Bradley
Phillip Lomax
Chris Rene
Marcus Canty

Nicole's Over 30's
Josh Krajcik
Dexter Haygood
LeRoy Bell
Stacy Francis

Paula's Groups
Brewer Boys
Lakoda Rayne
The Stereo Hogzz

My favorite part of the show was the very end when the 17 finalists were announced. They all looked so glamorous dressed up and beautified for the cameras. Check out some of their photos

M.J. also has a great photo galley as well as social media links on her blog, be sure to check it out---

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