Sunday, December 23, 2007

Presidential Candidates at-a-glance Series........ continues with some MORE Republicans

JOHN MCCAIN: date of birth- 8.29.36; married to Cindy Hensley McCain, seven children- Sydney, Doug Shepp, Andy Shepp, Meghan, John IV, James, and Bridget; Episcopal; United States Naval Academy and National War College; Military Officer and Senator from Arizona

JOHN’S ISSUES and what stood out:
* McCain believes taxes should be “low, simple, and fair”
Cut taxes for the middle class- an average of $2,700 a year, make it harder to raise taxes by making it require a 3 to 5 majority vote in Congress, lower medicare taxes, and eliminate wasteful spending.
* Health care will be made better and more affordable by putting families and individuals in charge of their own health care dollars and giving them “more control over their care by improving the quality of care and lowering costs by promoting competition”.
* Pro-Life- in favor of overturning Roe v. Wade and wants to promote adoption.
*The following pinpoints McCain’s strategy for a victory in Iraq- bolster troops on the ground, implement new counterinsurgency strategy, strengthen the armed forces and police of Iraq, security in Iraq is necessary for progress and stability, create a secure environment so that political and economic reconstruction can take place, keep senior officers in place in Iraq and Washington D.C., put international pressure on Syria and Iran, and win on the home front.
* Border security and immigration reform can be strengthened by building strong allies in Mexico and Latin America, recognize the importance of pro growth policies ( i.e. keep government spending in check, keep taxes low, and cut unnecessary regulatory burdens -- so American employers can hire and pay the best). Assimilate immigrants and teach them the value of learning English and respecting the values of a democratic society.
* Wants to improve Veteran’s health care by funding it, expanding access to it and providing better services, and providing health care for retired veterans.

MITT ROMNEY: date of birth- 3.12.47; married to Anne Romney, five children- Tagg, Matt, Josh, Ben, and Craig; Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints; Brigham Young University, Harvard Law School, and Harvard Business School; Businessman

MITT’S ISSUES and what stood out:
* Keep Americans safe at home and abroad by strengthening our military and increasing its size by 100,000
* To combat nuclear terrorism, Romney believes we must do the following:
Tighten economic sanctions against Iran
Isolate Iran diplomatically
Arab states should join efforts to help prevent a nuclear Iran
* Make the Latin American countries our allies, rebuild our relationship of respect and trust with them
* End our dependence on foreign suppliers of oil ---- "The United States must become energy independent. This does not mean no longer importing or using oil. It means making sure that our nation's future will always be in our hands. Our decisions and destiny cannot be bound to the whims of oil-producing states." We should increase our domestic production of oil.
* Stop the overspending- Romney says we should establish strict spending limits, reform entitlement spending, and institute the line item veto,
* Stop illegal immigration- secure the border, implement an enforceable employer verification system, reject amnesty, punish sanctuary cities, make stiffer fines and penalties for companies that continue to hire illegal immigrants, and encourage legal immigration.
* To make our health care system a higher quality, more affordable, and more available Romney believes we should--
“ Deregulate State Markets. Encourage states to eliminate the cumbersome insurance regulations that drive costs up and providers out of the market.
Fix The Tax Code. Level the playing field by making all health care expenses tax deductible, eliminating the special treatment afforded employer-provided health plans.
Stop The Free-Riders. Use some of the money currently spent on providing expensive "free care" for the uninsured at emergency rooms to instead help the truly needy buy private insurance.
Reform The Medical Liability System. Institute federal caps on non-economic and punitive damage awards to eliminate frivolous lawsuits and bring an end to the practice of defensive medicine.
Promote Innovation In Medicaid. Give states flexibility to spend their Medicaid dollars in whatever way they find most efficient and effective.
Bring Health Care Into The 21st Century. Improve quality and enhance transparency by introducing the same competitive forces that drive innovation in other sectors of the economy.”
* Pro-Life
*Supports traditional marriage
* Has a record for excellence in education while he was governor of the state of Massachusetts
wants to expand opportunities for higher education and offer the best education they can so they can excel in jobs in the community.

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